Finding a Path in Tech

6 min readAug 13, 2021
Java is to JavaScript what car is to Carpet— Chris Heilmann

Hello world! Today, we will be focusing on finding your way in tech and specializing in a field(s) you like. Of course, I will be sharing some tips which are working for me as I continue to build a foundation in cybersecurity no cyber security, this will never end… Tech is broad, you can settle in different fields like networking, data science but the way of finding that path is almost similar for all fields. Although many of us come from a tech background because of the courses we take in university I included, some of us don’t really know what field to focus on. According to my uni experience, one might focus too much on doing class work, completing assignments, doing school projects and forget that you also have a passion. Yes school is important but so are your passions. Here are a few tips you might use to know what field(s) you should focus on or even decide if you really want to be in tech.

1. Do I really want to be in tech?

This should obviously be the first question you should ask yourself. Some of us are doing degrees in Computer Science while in real sense, we want to be in arts. You have to purposely set time to think if you really want to pursue a career in tech. This is easier said than done. However, the more intentional you become, the earlier you will make a decision. Focus on what you really want and what you know is best for you.

2. What tech field do I want to pursue?

Congratulations! You have made a bold decision. Now you know you want to be in tech, but what field? At times, this decision can be hard to make. I say this since we all have friends or classmates in tech or even mentors. We may be swayed to focus on what our circles are doing. Although I always knew I wanted to be in cybersecurity since I was a freshman, I was not confident. Many of the people around me were focused on software developing or just general developing. This made me waste time since I tried to do what they were doing because I thought it seemed right. Following the crowd mentality. So, make this decision based on yourself, your passions, abilities and strengths.

3.Start exploring your chosen field

As soon as you have decided to focus on a certain field, start working on it. This does not entirely mean that you should be focusing on the technical stuff only. There are a lot of things you will learn about yourself in the process. Issues like developing self belief, self discipline or even having to deal with procrastination. Most of the things we know, we have been taught formally in a school environment. This might be different now since you have to start looking for your own resources and developing a whole curriculum for this ‘school’ you have started for yourself. There is no one to monitor if you complete assignments or if you are making progress. You are the teacher and the student! Consistency will help a great deal in all these. I should also point out that you might experience a lottttt of confusion and self doubt. To beat all these, you should have a routine and believe in your abilities. You can do it!!!

4. Don’t compare yourself with others. Stick to your path

By path, I mean the tech field you have just chosen and the whole process of becoming an expert in that field, but mostly the process. Recently, I started thinking that the process of achieving something has a lot to do with us (like the problem is not the problem but how you solve it is where the problem lies, which shifts to you as a person). I hope that makes even a little sense. Different people might be trying to solve a bug in their code. If I am one of those people and this bug has been disturbing me for long, I will distract myself, very funny, right? This is how my procrastination comes up. The other person might want to get solutions immediately and work for hours and hours. Another one might discuss it with their colleagues. All I’m trying to say is, we are all different and we can’t do things the same way every time. This is why you have to know yourself and find what works for you. Don’t compare yourself with your peers. This can easily frustrate you.

The first part of self comparison was about our personalities and how we solve problems. If you learn your personality and do things that work for you, you will know how to solve challenges well and quickly. The second part is comparing our skills with those who are way ahead of us. This is very unfair. You just started coding last month and you feel bad because you are not as good as that friend who started it 5 years ago? You have to stick to your path, trust the process and enjoy it. Celebrate your little achievements. Learn to stick to your learning plans.

5.Develop a learning roadmap and stick to it

Getting a good learning roadmap is easy but sticking to it can be a problem. If your roadmap states that you should learn C programming first then go into java, stick to that. Don’t be distracted and start learning other things. Starting many tasks and not completing any of them may leave you feeling unaccomplished and you will forever be stuck in the beginner stage. Start a task and ensure you complete it. You should also have timelines to guide you and to mark progress and milestones.

6.Build/join a community of like minded people

Sometimes individual learning can be boring. Other times, you may not understand a concept on your own but with learning partners, you may get it better. You should find some people who you share a common interest in. This way, you will always have a pool of answers for your questions. Take up challenges with them since this is what will make your tech community stronger. You can start by learning something new together to get used to each other, something like #30daysofethicalhacking, #40daysofpython etc. Taking up tasks like ctfs together is also a fantastic idea.

7. Find a mentor

Having the right person to guide you in your tech journey can drastically shorten your learning roadmap. However, you ought to know that this mentor will not make all the decisions for you. They will however provide guidance on issues someone else without a mentor may have trouble in. Don’t be afraid to ask tech questions since you think they are too stupid. If you have trouble in learning some concepts, ask for advice. If you are both focusing in the same field, ask more about the industry. You will be surprised at how people are loaded with insights and wisdom. Lastly, you should always remain respectful to them.

8. Practice what you learn

I had already published this article when I remembered something important, practice! practice! It is easy to be stuck in ‘tutorial hell’ in any tech field. Only watching what you should learn instead of watching and practicing. There are many sites we rely on for personal learning, whether it is programming or how to use a new security tool. After you watch that video, ensure you practice. This is the only way you will understand and see progress. Watching and not practicing makes you less confident of your skills. This ends up becoming an endless cycle since you will always learn but not be confident enough so you go back to learning again. An endless loop. So, learn to practice early enough, you don’t want to be stuck in tutorial hell!

The tips above may not have exhausted everything you need to know about finding a path in a new field. However, I am sure they are going to be helpful. I hope you find your path and attain the fulfillment you deserve. Before you forget it, I know you can do it!





Hello world! My name is Wanjiku Kamau. I am a cyber security enthusiast, I am learning, un-learning and re-learning and while at it, taking you with me!